Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Red Hot

Rooney ^

So Austin and I spent the 3rd in Altamonte at
Red Hot & Boom 2007. It was really incredible,
and i was very impressed seeing as it was my
first time being there. Here was the line up..

Red Hot and Boom Artist Line-up 2007:
4p Melissa Jimenez
4:35p Saving Jane
5:15p Kat Deluna
5:55p Rooney
6:40p Katharine McPhee
7:25p The Click Five
8:25p LLoyd
9p Elliott Yamin
9:30p Fireworks Show
10:15p The Last Goodnight

Monday, June 18, 2007

Three Things

1) 3 jobs I have had in my life:
I babysat Austins friend Jordan on Friday
I recruit new Pony Club members and teach
them twice a week at Lucky Trail Farms.
Im a producer/Actor/playwrite/
camera person/props etc. for LA productions

2)Places I have lived
Tack room.

3)TV shows I like to watch
Kelso. That
Hyde . 70's
Donna. Show

4)Places I have vacationed
the 49th Parallel [New Meadows, Idaho]
Baldie [Sun Valley, Idaho]
Coldstone [Pelam, New York]

5)Fave foods
Caramel Frap. from Starbucks
Salad from Kobe'
Chicken Teriaki Sub from Subway

6)Places I would rather be right now
Bed. pulled an all nighter at alex's,
havent slept in 34 hours.

preparing the trailer for my usual Wednesday
lesson with ralph, like i used to.

somewhere unexpected, that never been before..
Ireland, sitting in a meadow, with a sketch pad,
with some creamy drink and surrounded by 100 sheep.
[singing to them, like belle does]

Anyone else left to tag? im usually last..

Friday, June 15, 2007


Hurry and buy your bands!!

Ralph is now expressing his desire to get back in the saddle and get teaching again. He is aware that he has some recovery to do before he gets to that point and was looking forward to getting to work on it at Cardinal Hill. He is as tenacious as ever and is eager for a fishing trip as soon as possible.
Ralph has discovered Oreo McFlurries and apparently is completely addicted to them.
That's all for now. I will post as soon as I have more info.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tagged by PlanetMancuso

1. Where is your cell phone? on my desk
2. Relationship? nope
3. Your hair? freshly straightened.
4. Work? teaching lessons, want to work at Bruusters for a summer thing
5. Your sister? really? where?
6. Your favorite thing? horsesssssss
7. Your dream last night? i was at a water park with a never ending slide..
8. Your favorite drink? starbucks. anything.
9. Your dream car? mustang convertable. im so original i know..
10. The room you’re in? mine :]
11. Your shoes? nakie feet
12. Your fear? harm to those i love
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? on my way to the next rolex
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? alex's house
15. What you’re not good at? algebra, and being a follower
16. Muffin? banana nut.
17. One of your wish list items? friesian dressage horse
18. Where you grew up? good ol florida
19. The last thing you did? created a new blog.
20. What are you wearing? pjs
21. What aren’t you wearing? shoes
22. Your pet? so many.
23. Your computer? sony?
24. Your life? lovely
25. Your mood? tired. feeling harry potter deprived
26. Missing? Ralphie..
27. What are you thinking about right now? this apparently.
28. Your car? none./
29. Your kitchen? calling me
30. Your summer? rainy
31. Your favorite color? teal
32. When is the last time you laughed? watching tv with mom
33. Last time you cried? for ralph
34. School? high s. :]
35. Love? family.friends.horses.

Greyhound Stompin grounds

Yesterday, my friend laura and I attended Austins basketball game at Lyman High School. Their team was about 3 shots away from winning, so i can barely call it a loss. But anyway, since Laura and I now go to Lake Mary, we decided to be naughty and walk on Lymans grass. Haha